Monday, October 19, 2009


It's 2:30 pm on a Monday. Both Becca and I are done work and Becca's putting more water in the kettle. It may seem like we aren't do much, but I'd like to think differently. Becca has just done a Myers-Briggs test and we are about to explore what the internet has to say about her personality, mine and others. This is one of my favourite things to do. To try and learn more about how people work.
The End because Ellen has ran away from the computer and
Ellen, I(Becca) and Nat are now going to go on the hunt for some wonderfully tacky thrift store goods.
Much Love

1 comment:

  1. Ellen has run away, Becca. Run. The rest of this blog has impeccable grammar.

    Just teasing. But this is actually a pretty well written journal, Ellen. I'm impressed. But why was that one post titled "evolution"? Because of how your view of the program is changing? Or just because you needed a title and the word flashed through your head?
