Wednesday, September 23, 2009

An easy work day

Working in the town council has turned out to be pretty simple. After returning, we were given a duotang of information and asked to make a brochure on recycling for their town - they told us to read the duotang and come back on monday! When do we need to complete the brochure by - oh, just as fast as you can. Now, I don't know if they realise we could make a brochure in a few hours of hard work, but this sure seems pretty simple so far. Most of our peers work were similar in difficulty - cleaning parks, writing a number on a pottery bowl broken into a thousand peices, drawing. We heard a couple times in the past little while that Ukrainians are used to the concept of volunteers, so I guess they will test us 'on easy' until they see that volunteers work!

We have been making use of our free time. On Tuesday, I went with 3 Canadians on an adventure into the country side. What gorgeous landscape and people with the endless rolling hills. I'm still not sure how to place the landscape - it's like nothing I can remeber ever seeing before. More like a combination of many places. After treking for about 5 km, we found ourselves standing in an open caked dirt land plot, long and skinny, with a panoramic view of village, farmland, old USSR buildings, a lake, a nuclear power plant, and another town in the distance. With the setting, the sun, the people, and the mood, it felt like we were perched in one of those magical places, while a helicopter with an imax film maker circled around us. Wow!

On the way back, we ate apples and detoured around, following windy dirt roads, until we hit fmailiar ground. The rest of our night was spent at the pizzaria as we attempted to order food - without a ukrainian at our side. On a large meal, we each spent oer $2. Then I went running and 8 minute abing at the stadium under the stars.

Sometimes living here feels like a dream.

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